Modifying My mindset on money
I've really been working on my relationship with money. This is such a weird and taboo topic that has so much stigma around it, yet it's something we all need and work for everyday. If I were to say "I love money" then my own automatic response is to shut that thought down, regardless of the fact that it's true.
Am I hardwired to believe that loving money means I don't love other things as well? That loving and wanting money means I'm not a good and kind person? That I'm selfish and greedy?
Because none of that makes sense when you really think about it.
I have always told my dad that I didn't need money. That money wasn't a priority or a motivator for me in life. While it's not my highest priority or motivator, it DOES have to be one on my list. I'm realizing how twisted my view on money is, and how money is simply an exchange of energy and that all of the negative feelings I have for money comes from what I have created in my mind.
Money is simply an exchange of energy. I create my own image of money and its purpose.
It is an exchange of value, time, service, or product. The physical paper is simply a symbol. A symbol of what? For some it may be how they show love or that they care. For others it may be a symbol of social status. For me it shows hard work, perseverance, determination, and an pure exchange of energy.
Money is necessary to be able to donate, to give back to those in need, to be able to travel, to LIVE, to surprise your parents with a trip, or prepare for your future family. It is necessary, and NOT a necessary evil. It's simply necessary. As long as the methods to receive it are from a good and clean place, then it carries no negativity, no evil.
Money isn't evil. It isn't wrong or instantly followed by greed. If it comes from a clean and good place with right intentions then it is simply a carrier to doing greater things.
I'm really working on welcoming money into my life, understanding my financial worth, and really flipping my entire mindset.
I wrote out my financial goals for 2019 and exactly what I needed to do to reach them. I create a detailed plan with complete action steps.
I purchased and began reading books on money, the way to reach my monetary goals, and self-growth books in general.
I write down one reason I am grateful for money everyday. This reminds me how money is inherently good and why I am working for it.
Ex: I am grateful for money because it allows me to give back and donate to charities I care about. I am grateful for money because it allows me to buy plane tickets and visit family, friends, and new places.I have taken negative words connected with money out of my vocabulary.
Ex: I won't ever make that kind of money - HECK YES I WILL.I visualized what I would do with money if it wasn't an obstacle, then I listened to any deterrents that came up and reframed them into positive statements.
I am continuously learning, growing, and evolving. I am excited for the future and to see how my life continues to blossom.