The Journey of Self Acceptance

SO since starting my podcast, selling virtual videos, recording myself talking to my Instagram story, and playing around with IG lives, I found myself being extremely judgmental and harsh towards myself.

I'll record a video three or four times before posting it on my story... maybe my nose looks funny or I have a double chin or I said a word weird... I find I am easily frustrated and quick to beat myself up.

I get worried that my podcasts are dumb or that I fumbled through words.

YET, I preach authenticity and rawness and being vulnerable and real...

But it's still so hard.

And it will always be hard.

I don't share this looking for any assurances or compliments, but I share it because life is a constant journey of learning and relearning to accept who we are.

We can get so busy and consumed with judging ourselves and trying to be perfect, that we forget how beautiful we are and how life is full of acne and mistakes and getting things stuck in our teeth and fumbling through words. Life is supposed to be messy and hard, and full of growth and challenges. Without these challenges we wouldn’t know what we were capable of. We wouldn’t know how strong we truly are.

We forget that in order to fly, we have to fall. We have to make mistakes first.
Self-love and acceptance is a constant journey and it's not linear. We will progress and then fall back. It is an ebb and a flow.

So today, be a little kinder to yourself.

Do what brings you joy.

Embrace who you are a little more.

Live regardless of others opinions.

Live regardless of your own judgements.

LIVE more fully and authentically.


2020 Book Review


10 books to create change