Themes for yoga teachers
We all know what it’s like to hear a theme or quote that really resonates with you as a yoga student, and when the teacher intentionally weaves that theme into class, it hits even harder.
Here is a list of some themes you as a teacher can tie into your classes, and you as a student can consider in your own practice.
Mindfulness and Presence — Encourage students to be mindful and present as they move through class. We live in a world with so much information and happening all the time, and we must choose to be present.
Gratitude—This one may feel overdone, but the secret to living a happy life is through gratitude. If we begin each day from a space of gratitude, its hard to let the negative take over.
Grace and Compassion—We can never offer ourselves enough grace and compassion. We do not have to have it all figured out, we are only humans.
Balance—Oooo balance, what a tricky thing to try to achieve. Encourage students to find balance in the poses, in the push and the pull, in the strong and the soft. What we practice on our mats will often follow us off of our mats and into the world.
Inner Strength and Resilience—Resilience is not something we are immediately born with, it is something we learn, practice, and create through lifes challenges.
Surrender—What can you let go of? Where can you focus on the action rather than the outcome? We often cause our own suffering by holding on, trying to control, and if we instead choose to surrender, we would find more peace.
Joy and Playfulness—We are meant to find playfulness. We are meant to feel joy. And for some, this may be the most vulnerable feelings to feel. So encourage this within yourself, your classes, and your students.
Embracing the Transitions — Life is full of transitions, some we choose and some we don’t. And just like on our mats, a new transition will feel a bit messy and challenging, but through practice we get better, we learn, and we grow.
Grounding— What does it mean to be grounded? Physically, mentally, spiritually. What does it feel like? Where in your life can you be more grounded?
Hope these prompted some inspiration for your classes!